KNEXIT Business Solutions
KNEXIT® for Compliance Tracking
Comprehensive Traceability
The performance, safety and compliance of every operating facility depends on the availability, and dependability of its associated information. KNEXIT® provides the traceability from requirements to design, construction, operations and maintenance accessible through a single portal, even when dedicated specialized systems continue to control and manage their data.
KNEXIT® for Digital Transformation
Minimize Business Disruption
Digital Transformation in an Operating facility is like rebuilding an aircraft in mid-flight. Changes to information technology systems also implies changes to access to information that is managed by those systems. Loss of information or even restriction to access to information are unacceptable for an operating facility or project.
KNEXIT® provides a network of integrated information from existing applications that provides a reliable information infrastructure. No matter what system is current, users can access the information from KNEXIT® without missing a beat because KNEXIT® integrates information and not applications. Applications contribute to the information infrastructure but are not part of the infrastructure. Therefore, applications can be replaced and new applications can be added, thereby insulating the general information user from the disruptions of technology transformation.
KNEXIT® can be used to start small, focusing on a selected group of information or disciplines and grow the footprint incrementally with confidence. Since information is the commodity it handles, replacing applications can be performed one at a time, without losing information.
Watch the Use-Case video below.
All characters and companies referenced are fictitious.
Start Small and Expand
Owner Operator
Start small and grow incrementally
Relational Intelligence
Links information, not applications
KNEXIT® for Knowledge Retention
Knowledge that never leaves the organization
Knowledge within a company comes in many dimensions. Finding relevant information related to a situation tends to require knowledge of where the information is probably available and knowledge of some of the history of what happened. This knowledge is not easily documented. And even if it were documented, it is not easy to keep such documentation current unless it is a primary work product.
KNEXIT® captures and retains tacit company knowledge of information content through their interconnectivity and interdependencies in the data network. The historical accumulation of this information over time becomes institutional knowledge of the information pedigree available to all users. The data network in KNEXIT® becomes a growing knowledge resource for training, orientation, and operations. It remains with the company when users transition in and out, and is available for training,
KNEXIT® for Minor Projects and Turnarounds
Building Change Packages
Preparation is a crucial part of a Turnaround process or even minor projects, and a significant part of that is gathering the right information. Assembling information that is current and interdependent requires access to systems that contain the respective information. The latest drawings, engineering specifications, and condition of equipment are typically maintained in different systems. All work orders must be linked to relevant engineering data including floor plans, SOPs and instruction manuals. Consolidating them into Change Packages is very time consuming because the information is not all available in one place.
But the greater challenge is ensuring that data and items collected have not changed during the period the information is being assembled. Cascading change impacts must be identified and reconciled before releasing the documents at shutdown.
KNEXIT® captures and retains the latest information and their dependencies so that the required information can be accessed seamlessly whether they come from document management, engineering database or maintenance system. Work packages can be viewed with their associated documents, and changes to such documents can be detected at the work package level. Cascading change impacts can be traced and resolved prior to exporting the package contents.
Watch the Use-Case video below.
All characters and companies referenced are fictitious.
Use in Minor Design Change
Owner Operator
Small design change
Requirements, documents, tags, assets, models
Impact tracing
KNEXIT® for Capital Projects
Instant Visibility to Change Impacts
KNEXIT® helps improve project efficiency by becoming the single point of access to all released project technical information and detecting change impacts, no matter which system or contractor issued the information.
A consolidated view of all project information from every contractor through a single screen saves time looking up various systems. It also permits navigating to related information independent of contractor source systems and deliverables. KNEXIT® keeps the information current 24 x 7.
Project information is all interdependent and change occurs constantly. KNEXIT® helps identify items that can be impacted by a change. It also identifies items that have been potentially impacted by a change. This visibility to change impact saves countless man-hours that would otherwise be needed for verifying information or dealing with rework from unwittingly using superseded information.
Watch the Use-Case video below.
All characters and companies referenced are fictitious.
Introduce KNEXIT Mid-Project
Project Management Office (PMO)
Start mid-project
Reduce ambiguity
Keep existing tools
Keep information aligned during change
Global Project Collaboration
KNEXIT’s multi-server architecture enables the participating organizations in the project to collaborate at the information level without merging their separate LANs. The prime contractor can view information changes from subcontractors in KNEXIT® as soon as they are published within their LANs. This provides a structured collaborative environment balancing formal release protocols with instant access and cross-contractor visibility.
Watch the Use-Case video below.
All characters and companies referenced are fictitious.
Use in Global Project Execution
Project Management Office (PMO)
Monitor project information health
Global projects
Geographically distributed suppliers
Change impacts tracing
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